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HomeExclusiveWhy Was Jehovah's Name Removed From The Bible

Why Was Jehovah’s Name Removed From The Bible

Wright Way: A New King James Bible

(31) Was Jehovah’s Name Removed from the Bible? – Conversations with a JW

A new King James Bible has broken a centuries-old tradition and is following in the footsteps of several Bible translations that restored the Divine Name to its original place in the Old Testament.

The Divine Name King James Bible is raising eyebrows in the world of Bible translators for replacing the capitalized GOD and LORD with the English translation Jehovah in 6,972 places. In Hebrew the four letters representing the Divine name, also called the Tetragrammaton, is YHWH. To this day no one is certain of its exact pronunciation.

Translators of the Divine Name King James Version are following the pattern of other Bible translations, including Youngs Literal Translation, Darby Translation, The New World Translation, The American Standard Version and The Bible in Living English, in restoring the Divine Name where it was originally written.

Publishers of this latest King James Version wrote, We specifically left the Authorized Version as it is except to restore the Divine Name. We hope then to make people pause and ask themselves if they want ANY modern English Bible that does not display Gods Divine Name as it is found in the original writings no matter how well translated it is.

The group also stated it is not affiliated with or sponsored by any religious organization and the new edition was not produced by the direction, assistance or approval of any religious organization or religious community.

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Watchtower Justification For Inclusion

Watchtower uses four lines of reasoning to justify including Jehovah in the New Testament, none of which constitute proof.

  • Its inclusion in Hebrew J Versions
  • These are Hebrew translations made over 1,000 years after Jesus death
  • Theorizing that Old Testament quotes would include YHWH
  • Conjecture that Watchtower does not adhere to with consistency
  • Theory of George Howard
  • A theory without supporting evidence
  • Possibility of Matthew originally written in Hebrew
  • Conjecture with no evidence
  • Is It Wrong To Use Gods Name

    Owner at RIDL BY RIDL

    How I came up with my ORIGINAL design with Jehovahs help happened back in 2008 when I was working on the graphic art of one of my RIDLYETHIS games and I read the article below regarding Gods name.

    *** w08 7/1 p. 30 Is It Wrong to Use Gods Name? ***

    IN the Hebrew Scriptures, often referred to as the Old Testament, Gods name appears almost 7,000 times in the form . That is to say, Gods name is represented by four Hebrew letters Yohdh, He, Waw, and He, commonly transliterated YHWH.

    In antiquity, the Jews came to have the superstitious idea that it was wrong to use Gods name. As a result, they refused to pronounce it, and in their texts, they began to use substitute expressions for it. Many Bible translators, however, have rendered the name Yahweh, or Jehovah. Among the translations that do so is the Catholic Jerusalem Bible. According to this translation, when Moses asked God how he should respond if the Israelites were to ask him who had sent him to them, God replied: You are to say to the sons of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name for all time by this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come.Exodus 3:15.

    What do you think? Is it right or wrong to use Gods name? If Jehovah himself says: This is my name for all time by this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come, can anyone rightly contradict him?

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    Why Is Yhwh The Name Of The God Replaced By A Title The Lord Why Is The Article The Used The 1st Of Thousands Of References Gen : 4

    Notice what the has to say on the topic of Exodus 20:7:

    The third commandment is concerning the manner of our worship: where we have, 1st, A strict prohibition. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain Supposing that, having taken Jehovah for their God, they would make mention of his name, this command gives a caution not to mention it in vain, and it is still as needful as ever. We take Gods name in vain, 1st, By hypocrisy, making profession of Gods name, but not living up to that profession. 2d, By covenant-breaking. If we make promises to God, and perform not to the Lord our vows, we take his name in vain. 3d, By rash swearing, mentioning the name of God, or any of his attributes, in the form of an oath, without any just occasion for it, to no good purpose, or to no good. 4th, By false swearing, which some think is chiefly intended in the letter of the commandment. 5th, By using the name of God lightly and carelessly. The profanation of the form of devotion is forbidden, as well as the profanation of the forms of swearing as also, the profanation of any of those things whereby God makes himself known.

    So why was the use of YHWH forbidden?

    In’s article “God, Names of” under the heading “yhwh” explains why:

    Additionally, the article “Is It Wrong to Pronounce Gods Name?” from the March 8, 1999 issue of Awake! magazine states the following under the heading “The Third Commandment“:

    Historical Note

    Why Is Gods Name Missing From Many Bibles

    Hasil gambar untuk god


    the distinctive Hebrew name for God usually transliterated Jehovah, is in this translation represented by LORD. Todays English Version

    There are many different reasons why Gods name was removed from the Bible. I will attempt to briefly discuss them here.

    First off, it was a MISTAKE to remove Gods Name from the bible.

    WHY ?

    As Author of the Bible, Only God himself has the right to change or alter the Bible. God himself gave mankind a warning in his own Word The Bible to NOT add to NOR take away from his Words.

    I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life. -BibleGateway


    the suppression of The Name has entailed upon the reader, and especially upon the hearer, irreparable loss its suppression was a MISTAKE Rotherham, 1, Ch. IV, 22-29

    the most common ERROR made by most translators in the last 3500 yearsis their elimination of heavens revealed Name ofthe Most High, Yahweh A. B. Traina in the Preface of the Holy Name Bible

    The substitution of the word Lord is most unhappy forit in NO WAY represents the meaning of the sacred name The 1872 edition of Smiths Bible Dictionary


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    Hebrew Version Of Matthew

    There is a tradition that Matthew wrote his gospel first in Hebrew and then rewrote it in Greek, though this is open to debate. The earliest manuscript we have of a Hebrew Matthew is from the 1380s. It is unknown who wrote the original Hebrew version this is based on, and YHWH does not appear in it, but rather it contains thetermThe Name.

    Shem-Tobs text of Matthew includes the Name where there is good reason to believe that Matthew actually used the Tetragrammaton.Watchtower 1997 Aug 15 p.30

    The Truth From The Bible

    God said: I am Jehovah. That is my name. Jehovah is a Hebrew name that means He Causes to Become.Genesis 2:4, footnote.

    Jehovah wants us to use his name. Call upon his name, states the Bible. Make known among the peoples his dealings. Make mention that his name is put on high.Isaiah 12:4.

    Jesus used Gods name. In prayer, Jesus told Jehovah: I have made your name known to them and will make it known. Why did Jesus make the divine name known to his disciples? He continued: In order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.John 17:26.

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    This Is My Name Foreverex : 15

    Those who study ancient Hebrew Bible manuscripts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, are struck by the many occurrences of the Tetragrammatonthe four Hebrew letters that represent Gods name. The divine name appears not only in those ancient Hebrew manuscripts but also in some copies of the Greek from the second century B.C.E. through the first century C.E. Despite the clear evidence that the personal name of God belongs in the Bible, many translations completely omit the sacred name of God. In 1952, the Revised Standard Version was published. That version omitted the name, reversing the policy of the editors of the American Standard Version of 1901. Why? The preface says: The use of any proper name for the one and only God . . . is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church. That set a pattern for many subsequent translations, English and non-English. w15 12/15 2:3-5

    Excerpts from the Psalms in a Dead Sea Scroll dated to the first half of the first century C.E. The text is in the style of the Hebrew letters commonly used after the Babylonian exile, but the Tetragrammaton appears repeatedly in distinctive ancient Hebrew letters

    Jehovah is a Latinization of the Hebrew, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton , the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible.

    Why Is Jehovahs Bible Different

    JWQ #6: Does your Bible Remove God’s Name? #2 of 2

    Witnesses view the Old and New Testaments as Gods inspired message to humans. But they dont take every word literally. Instead they believe that parts of the Bible are written in figurative or symbolic language. But they believe that Jesus is not God and that there is no scriptural basis for the trinity doctrine.

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    Where In The Bible Does It Say Gods Name Is Jehovah

    In the Bishops Bible , the word Jehovah occurs in Exodus 6:3 and Psalm 83:18. The Authorized King James Version renders Jehovah in Exodus 6:3, Psalm 83:18, Isaiah 12:2, Isaiah 26:4, and three times in compound place names at Genesis 22:14, Exodus 17:15 and Judges 6:24.

    Why Do Some Bible Translations Not Use The Name Jehovah For God

    Jehovah is a pronunciation of the Hebrew consonants of YHWH and the vowels of Adonai .

    When the Hebrew Bible was first written down in the Hebrew language, they wrote only with consonants, not vowels. So the sacred Name of God was written YHWH and likely was pronounced Yahweh. For millennia, Jews have gone to great lengths to avoid misusing the Name of their God, as he commanded them at the mountain after he delivered them from Egypt. At some point, ancient Jews began saying adonai when they saw YHWH. It wasnt until the 10th century that a group of scholars called the Masoretes put vowels into the Hebrew text of the First Testament. They left the consonants YHWH in 7,000+ locations to show it was Gods Name. But they added the vowels of Adonai to the consonants to show later generations how to pronounce the word: Adonai. So Jehovah is a pronunciation of the vowels and consonants as they appear in the Masoretic Text, though it is not how the Jews would have known the Name of God.

    Out of respect for the Jewish tradition of not uttering the sacred Name of God, the Committee on Bible Translation for the NIV have chosen to display every instance of the Name YHWH in the Hebrew Bible as Lord.

    Lord is how the Septuagint translates YHWH. This led to the English solution of translating YHWH as Lord, which shows readers the difference between YHWH and adonai .

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    Quoting The Old Testament

    Watchtower claims it rightfully replaces the Greek words Kyrios and Theos with Jehovah whenever the New Testament quotes Old Testament that contain Jehovah..

    The modern translator is warranted in using the divine name as an equivalent of and , that is, at places where the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quote verses, passages, and expressions from the Hebrew Scriptures or from the LXX where the divine name occurs. 1985 Kingdom Interlinear Translation p.11

    Since New Testament manuscripts do not contain Jehovah in these places, this is unsupported speculation.

    Jehovahs Witnesses are led to the conclusion that every inclusion of Jehovah in the New Testament has support from an Old Testament quote. Yet

    • In only 76 of the 237 inclusions is Jehovah based on a direct Hebrew quote
    • In 78 instances the scriptures are not quotes, but reference Hebrew passages discussing Jehovah
    • 83 times the New World Translation has included Jehovah with no support from the Hebrew Scriptures

    Why Did They Remove The Name Jehovah From The Bible


    The reason is that during the Second Temple period, most likely in the early 5th century B.C.E., Jews decided that that name was ineffable, too holy to be uttered aloud. This was based on a particular interpretation of the third commandment, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

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    Do Jehovah Witnesses Believe In The Resurrection Of Jesus

    What do Jehovahs Witnesses Believe? Witnesses believe in one God, not the Trinity. Like most Christians, they believe that Jesus Christ died for humankinds sins, however they do not believe that he was physically resurrected after his crucifixion. They believe that he was only spiritually resurrected.

    Why Did They Remove Gods Name From The Bible

    The reason is that during the Second Temple period, most likely in the early 5th century B.C.E., Jews decided that that name was ineffable, too holy to be uttered aloud. This was based on a particular interpretation of the third commandment, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

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    Why Has The Name Jehovah Been Removed From The Bible

    The reason is that during the Second Temple period, most likely in the early 5th century B.C.E., Jews decided that that name was ineffable, too holy to be uttered aloud. This was based on a particular interpretation of the third commandment, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

    Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord Thy God In Vain

    JWQ #6: Does your Bible Remove God’s Name? #1 of 2

    Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain” and variants) is the second or third of God’s Ten Commandments to man in the Abrahamic religions.

    Exodus 20:7 reads:

    Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

    Based on this commandment, Second Temple Judaism by the Hellenistic period developed a taboo of pronouncing the name Yahweh at all, resulting in the replacement of the Tetragrammaton by “Adonai” in pronunciation.

    In the Hebrew Bible itself, the commandment is directed against abuse of the name of God, not against any use there are numerous examples in the Hebrew Bible and a few in the New Testament where God’s name is called upon in oaths to tell the truth or to support the truth of the statement being sworn to, and the books of Daniel and Revelation include instances where an angel sent by God invokes the name of God to support the truth of apocalyptic revelations. God himself is presented as swearing by his own name to guarantee the certainty of various events foretold through the prophets.

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    Pope Francis Orders Vatican Archives To Reveal Gods Name Ending Centuries Of Secrecy

    VATICAN CITY Speaking before a delegation of Jewish leaders at the Vatican on Thursday, Pope Francis revealed he has instructed the Vatican Secret Archives to unseal a set of ancient scrolls that have been kept hidden from public knowledge for centuries by the Church. The scrolls, which were encased in marble and buried in 463 A.D., are said to contain the true name of God as communicated to Moses in the Book of Exodus.

    The Pope told an audience during an event celebrating a new version of the Torah that his decision to upend over fifteen hundred years of secrecy was driven in part by a need for greater transparency within the Catholic Church. It is a scandal to say one thing and do another, declared Pope Francis before adding that the Church is leading a double life by continuing to keep Gods name secret.

    A source inside the Vatican Secret Archives told Sky News that the Church first became aware of the scrolls existence in the fifth century. The scrolls were uncovered by the Romans during siege of Jerusalem and the subsequent destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. Nearly four centuries came to pass before Rome would hand over control of the scrolls to the Church in 463 A.D., the source explained. Upon inspection, Pope St. Hilarius issued a decree striking any mention of Gods name from official Church literature.


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