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HomeWhat Does The Bible Say About Pastors

What Does The Bible Say About Pastors

What Is A Pastors Job Biblically

What The Bible Say About Women in Ministry?

Preaching and instructing According to, a pastor’s principal responsibility is to promote God’s message and shepherd people seeking spiritual guidance, as outlined in 1 Peter 5:2-4. Pastors devote themselves to Bible study and preaching in order to fulfill their calling. They also lead worship and administer the sacraments of baptism and communion.

Teaching and counseling A pastor should help his followers understand how to live according to God’s word. He should also provide advice and make recommendations about daily living issues such as marriage, family life, work/employment, health/physical well-being, money, food, religion, and other topics within the scope of his church’s ministry.

Administrating The Word Of God A pastor administers God’s word by helping his congregation interpret it and apply it to their lives. This usually includes reading selected passages from the Bible during Sunday services and any other times deemed necessary. He may also write sermons which are then preached from or based on these texts. Finally, he may give out church policies related to faith and practice. These positions must be fulfilled by qualified individuals according to Scripture.

Equipping God’s People For Ministry A minister is called to teach and guide others as they seek God, himself. A pastor shapes his flock by imparting biblical knowledge and by showing them the way to live as Christians.

What Does The Bible Say About Preachers And Teachers

The Need for Preaching and Teaching 28:18-20). Preachers must not be afraid of going deep and teachers must not be afraid of passionate proclamation. Gods truth is not reserved for the seminary classroom, so God desires for preachers to teach. Paul instructed Timothy to do both preaching and teaching.

The Truth About Hell Fire And The True Sabbath Day

Today, my friends, many people who love Jesus Christ are sadly following traditional Christian dogma which does not have a firm foundation in the Bible. Have you ever wondered how a God who is Love would send people to hell to burn forever and ever? Even after 1 billion years of torment in hell, even Hitler would have his due. But, according to traditional Christian dogma, his torment is just beginning. Have you ever pressed your pastor as to why you attend church on Sunday instead of the Bible Sabbath day ? Friend, we are going to find out answers to these questions right now.

Before we start our study of Bible truths, please ask God to send the Holy Spirit down into your heart before you continue. After all, without the Holy Spirit we can not understand “spiritual” things. See 1 Cor 2:14.

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The Consequence Of Eves Sin Argument

Moreover, another interpretation focuses on the consequences of Eves sin as a reason for women not to be in pastoral roles.

Again, this is not suggesting all women are deceived. However, Eves sin has consequences that have reverberated throughout history. For example, in Genesis 3, God curses Eve with painful childbearing as a consequence of her sin.

To the woman he said, I will make your pains in childbearing very severe with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. Genesis 3:16

As a consequence, women will not rule over men in the church either.

A Divine Calling To Serve

parresiazomai: What Does the Bible Say About Women Pastors?

Many biblical references reinforce that all Christians are called to serve others. Therefore, an important biblical qualification for someone considering a career as a pastor is to first be “called with a holy calling.” The experience of divine calling is vastly varied however, it has been referred to as an audible beckoning a person actually hears or a deep internal sense a person feels to answer the call to serve. Others report a dream or vision in which their call to serve as a pastor was revealed.

Also Check: Psalm 118.8

Tattoos As Cultural Markers

An interesting article by Trevin Wax for The Gospel Coalition asks, Are tattoos worse than adultery?

This article considers the experience of some Tanzanian missionaries. They were shocked to find that their Christian students unanimously agreed it would be worse for a pastor to get tattoos than to commit adultery. Why? Because tattoos in that culture are associated with witchcraft and evil spirits, and, to them, they show that such evil spirits have an influence over the person.

We should take other Christians views very seriously. We worship the same God as those Tanzanian brothers and sisters. Indeed, they rightly say that the cultural practice of tattooing in that region would greatly limit their witness and would bring undue shame on the church. That is not to say morality is relative to cultures, but, as Christians, we are called to tend our witness carefully. Different cultural contexts sometimes require different applications of the biblical texts and different applications of the same eternal truths.

Later in that chapter, he writes, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus .

And, he also says in 1 Corinthians 89 that many of these issues which are in the gray area should not divide us. At the very least, tattooing should be one of those issues.

Getting a tattoo does not seem to be one of those issues.

Who Is Called A Pastor

A pastor is someone with the authority to lead religious services. Pastors lead church services and help others worship. Pastor is a religious title used mostly in Christian churches. The pastor is a leader within a church who has been ordained and therefore given the authority to conduct religious services.

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Only Men May Be Pastors

In spite of the fact that it seems more and more fashionable in our day to say that women may be pastors, the Bible is clear that pastoral leadership is restricted to biblically qualified men. This post will examine 1 Timothy 2:12-14, one of the key biblical texts on male-only pastoral leadership, and it will respond to some of the most popular Evangelical Feminist efforts to undermine the teaching of these verses.

The Scriptural Teaching

In 1 Timothy 2:12-14 Paul says:

I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

Paul writes these words in the context of a pastoral epistle. Hes writing Timothy to teach him about pastoral ministry in the church, which means these verses need to be read in that light. They apply to church leadership, specifically to pastoral leadership.

Two Prohibitions

Paul says that women are forbidden to teach or exercise authority over men in the church. Its important to understand that Paul does not prohibit women from teaching in all contexts , only from teaching the Bible to men in the church.

A Positive Command

The Two Logical Grounds of the Command

Some Evangelical Feminist Objections

What Does The Bible Say About Honoring Pastors

“Women Can Be Pastors!” What Does the Bible Say?

And now, friends, we want you to recognize those leaders who work so hard for you and have been entrusted with the task of encouraging and directing you in your obedience. Overwhelm them with gratitude and affection. 1 Thessalonians 5:12 says, “Give honor to those men…”

Pastors are not just respected, but they are also honored, by their congregations. In the Old Testament, a pastor’s salary was set by the Lord – it was never raised or lowered based on how much work he did or didn’t do. His responsibility was to teach his people God’s word and lead them in prayer, not just on Sunday, but also during the week. He was to be an example of godliness for his followers.

In the New Testament, the role of pastors is still the same, except that they now have authority over all aspects of church life including preaching, teaching, and pastoral care. They are to be responsible for the spiritual growth of their congregation and assist them in living out their faith in practice.

Honoring pastors is important because they have been given a special gift from God. They must be treated with dignity and respect because of this. It shows that you value what they do and encourage them to continue serving the community.

You should always give honor to those who have been placed above you, whether they are teachers or administrators.

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Some Common Questions Raised By Those Who Believe In The Eternal Torment Of The Wicked Answered

What about the expressions “eternal” and “everlasting” which are used to describe the fires of hell? there is absolutely no confusion or contradiction when we allow the Bible to supply its own definition of terms. Many make the error of applying modern definitions to those biblical words without reference to their ancient contextual usage. This violates one of the most fundamental rules of interpretation. The fact is that eternal fire does not mean a fire that will never go out. The same expression is used in Jude 7 concerning the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha. “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” It is quite obvious that Sodom is not still burning today. The Dead Sea rolls over the place where those ancient cities once stood.

Perhaps the most easily misconstrued text about hell is John’s allusion to the smoke ascending “for ever and ever.” For those who are unfamiliar with other uses of this phrase in the Bible, it can be very confusing indeed. But a comparison of the verses in both Old and New Testaments reveal the words “for ever” are used 57 times in the Bible in reference to something that has already come to an end. In other words, “for ever” does not always mean “without end.” View Jonah 2:6, 1 Samuel 1:22 and Exodus 21:6 for a few examples of this.

Some Questions About The Sabbath Answered

Acts 20:7. Some people think this was a Sunday “church” service, the NEB describes this event this way, “On the Saturday night in our assembly for the breaking of bread, Paul who was to leave the next day, addressed them and went on speaking until midnight.” This meeting was on the dark part of the first day of the week. In both the Old and New Testaments we find that time was reckoned from sunset to sunset. So this meeting was on our Saturday night. All these people were doing is getting together to eat and wish Paul good bye as he took off the next day.

What about Col 2:16? Paul was talking about not the Sabbath in the 4th commandment of God’s law, but ceremonial Sabbaths were what Paul was talking about. Were there ever ceremonial Sabbaths, besides the Sabbath of the Lord they God the 4th commandment? Yes, there were. Turn to Lev. 23:3, it says “six days shall work be done: but the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of Rest, an holy convocation ye shall do no work therein: it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings.”

Now turn with me to Lev 23:24, “speak unto the children of Israel saying, in the seventh month, in the first day of the month shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.” NOTE This is not the Seventh day Sabbath, this is another form of Sabbath, a ceremonial Sabbath.

The Sabbath was made only for the Jews!

Romans 14:5,6

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The Punishment Of The Wicked

The Bible plainly tells us what the punishment of the wicked is. Turn with me to 2 Thessalonians 1:9, “Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power.” Quite plain and quite clear! The wicked will be punished with everlasting destruction, not hell for all eternity. Psalms 92:7 says “When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish it is that they shall be destroyed for ever!” Psalms 104:35 says, Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Praise ye the Lord.” Quite clear again, the Bible is always clear when you allow it to explain itself.

What Does The Bible Say About Pastors

Women PastorsWhat Does the Bible Say?  Bible Journey Ministries

14 “It is not acceptable that we should give up proclaiming the word of God to serve tables,” the twelve protested to the entire group of disciples. So, brothers, choose seven men of excellent reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, from among you, to be appointed to this responsibility. Let them be men who are known for their love for the church and their ability to teach. Appoint one to have charge of doing the needful things around the house. Let him make sure everything in its place then he will be able to keep track of the coming and going of everyone who lives under his roof.

5 The Holy Spirit sent Paul out from Antioch of Syria to go to Jerusalem with some words of encouragement for the Christians there and to present Christ’s faithfulness to those who had rejected it before. 6 Paul traveled through parts of Asia Minor and Greece, bringing hope to a people without leaders and life to a world in need of salvation.

7 He arrived in Jerusalem, where Jesus was now dead. Those who had become followers of Jesus were still scattered throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria. None of them was willing to surrender his or her belief that Jesus was the Messiah. 8 So Paul went to see James, the leader of the church there who was called the father of Christians in Jerusalem. 9 This man was the brother of John, who was also one of Jesus’ disciples.

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What Does The Old Testament Say About Tattoos

Moses enacts around 613 laws in the first five books of the Bible. Many of these laws deal with the sacrificial system and priestly duties, others refer to the lifestyle of the Jewish people, and still others deal with their governmental system.

In Leviticus 19:28, Gods law prohibits tattoos for the Israelite people, as well as cuts on your body for the dead. However, just one verse earlier, the law also forbids that they cut their sideburns . The Jewish law additionally prohibits eating pork and wearing garments made out of mixed materials . Christians nowadays normally dont follow those rules.

Many laws would continue to be beneficial today, and, of course, all Christians should follow the Ten Commandments. However, there are other commands, like the infamous You shall not boil a goat in its mothers milk, that are entirely contextual to Israels situation .

So how do we decide what to keep?

The Context Of The Verse

1 Timothy is an open letter from the apostle Paul to Timothy, giving him some public instructions about what Timothy should do in Ephesus . Timothy would not be able to implement these instructions anywhere except in the church, so that is the focus of the letter and its instructions.

Paul is concerned about what people were teaching in Ephesus , and he urged that believers should pray for everyone, specifically the civil authorities . Paul then gives instructions about how the men should pray: I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling . What does Paul mean by in every place? Taken literally, it would mean that believers should travel throughout the city, to every building and open area, to pray. But we do not take those words literally.

Additionally, very few Christians believe that men must lift their hands when they pray. Paul may have meant for men to lift their hands, and that is what he said, but we do not take it literally. It was appropriate in his culture, but it is not necessary in ours.

Then Paul says that women should learn quietly, not teaching the men . But as we have just seen, we do not always take what Paul wrote literally. Therefore, when we come to verse 12, we have to choose: do we take it literally, or do we make allowance for cultural changes? How can we decide?

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Women In Ministry: Does The Bible Allow Women To Be Pastors

Many Christians think that the Bible does not allow women to be pastors. For many people, the key verse is 1 Timothy 2:12: I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man rather, she is to remain quiet . Lets start by looking at this verse in more detail.

If we look at only this one verse, we might see that it would forbid much more than being a pastor:

  • A woman cannot teach a man. This means that women cannot be doctors, professors, or high-school teachers. The verse does not say that it is restricted to the church.
  • A woman cannot have authority over a man. This means that a woman cannot be elected to political office, or to be a manager in a store that has male employees, or to be a principal of a school that has male teachers. The verse makes no exceptions.
  • Women are to remain quiet. They cannot be entertainers, news reporters or have any role in mass media.

However, almost no one understands the verse in this way. Conservative Bible scholars, theologians and church leaders all say that the verse should not be understood in such a literal way. We need to understand why. This will involve a lesson about how we should read and apply the Bible.


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