Friday, September 6, 2024
HomeHow To Order Free Bibles

How To Order Free Bibles

You Version Free Bible App

How to Buy Premium Bibles Online… and Get the Best Deals!

YouVersion is the gold standard for online Bibles with over 1,774 Bible versions in over 1248 languages.

They have the Bible for your computer via the website , and for your phone or your tablet via their amazing free bible app.

Full disclosure, Ive been a heavy user of YouVersion for years, and even enjoy the many Bible reading plans and studies that they have available via their app.

How To Read And Understand The Bible

Reading the Bible on your own is a great start to growing in your walk with Christ.

However, if you want to understand the Bible, you have to learn how to study the Bible.

Attending your local churches weekly bible study is a great place to start.

Bible studies are less formal than Sunday service. Usually, you can ask the Pastor or group leader questions and gain insight from other members of the congregation.

There are also ways to study the Bible on your own, but thats a topic for another day.

I hope answered all of your questions about the Bible and how to read it.

Dont forget to download a copy of my Bible Reading Plan for Beginners!

As always, remember to keep Jesus in the center of everything you do.

Your Sister in Christ,

How Much Of The Bible Should You Read A Day

There really isnt a right or wrong answer to this question. It really depends on what your goals are.

Do you want to read through the Bible in a year?

Do you want to read it in chronological order?

Are you trying to make reading the bible a daily habit?

Are you studying a specific topic?

Is there a specific book of the Bible you want to focus on?

No matter what your goals are there are plenty of Bible reading plans available online for you to choose from. Most bibles have a yearly reading plan already in them.

If you dont want to follow a reading plan, I would suggest you read a chapter a day.

Recommended Reading: Bible Says About Family

Places To Get A Free Bible In 2021

by Lauren Bennett – Last Updated July 7, 2021

In this post Im going to show you how to get a free Bible.

And no, stealing a Bible from a nightstand in a hotel room isnt how!

The Bible is the most popular book ever published. According to the researcher and writer James Chapmans list of the most read books in the world, in the last 50 years alone the Holy Bible has sold nearly 4 billion copies!

Whether you want to learn more about the Bible or strengthen your faith, you may want to read the Bible.

Even if you arent Christian, you may want to read the Bible just to learn about the Christian faith.

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Whatever the reason, its good to know that there are many places where you can get a free Bible.

In todays post, Ill cover ways you can get a Bible for free in the mail and online too.

  • Closing Thoughts
  • The Beginners Guide: How To Read The Bible For Beginners

    ABC: Books of the Bible Poster (Poster)

    Reading the Bible on your own can be intimidating. Where do you even start?

    Reading the Bible on your own can be intimidating. Where does one even begin?

    Do you start at the beginning and read straight through to the end? Should you jump around and read whatever strikes your fancy?

    Is there a version of the Bible thats better than another version?

    Speaking of versions, how many versions are there and what is the difference?

    But reading and studying the Bible is an important part of every believers life and is one of the core spiritual disciplines.

    Today Ill address the most common questions that beginners have about the Bible and how to read it.

    Also Check: Does The Bible Speak Against Cremation

    Check Out The Bible To Read

    Check out the Bible to read.


    About the Author

    Jina Oravetz has been writing since 2005 and has non-fiction work published in the “Arts Alliance of Yamhill County Quarterly.” She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a minor in communications arts. Oravetz has a variety of work experience including working in quality management and health insurance. She continues to study the craft of writing.

    Get Your Free Scriptures A Physical Or Digital Copy

    There are a lot of places that you can get a free copy of the Bible, and in many different versions, translations and languages. Its just a matter of figuring out which one you want.

    Hopefully whichever Bible you receive will speak to you, and change your life as much as mine has.

    Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17

    If youre looking to make a change, and want to accept Jesus, please check out this post that examines the truth about God, sin, Jesus Christ and our response to Him.

    Know of other places to get a Bible for free? Tell us in the comments.

    Recommended Reading: Maryland Bible College And Seminary

    How Often Should You Read The Bible

    Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

    In Joshua 1:8 God tells Joshua to meditate on the Law day and night. This will help Joshua obey Gods commands.

    While reading and meditating on Gods word are two different spiritual disciplines, it is hard to do one without the other.

    As a Christian, you should be reading your Bible daily.

    Title Of The Document

    How to Buy Used and Vintage Bibles Online and Second Hand

    The United States Bible Society Free Pages.Now Ordering a FREE BIBLE is as Easy as 1-2-3Just Fil Out the Form Below to Receive a Free Bible

    Before You Go Please ReadThe most important decision a person can make is where they will spend eternity. Will you go to Heaven and spend eternity with God? OR will you go to Hell and spend eternity separated from God? When you ask the average person that question they will usually say Heaven. You ask them why they believe that and you will get many answers? I am good person, or I go to Church, or I give to charity, or I have been baptised, or many others. If you ask God who will go to Heaven He tells us through His Word that only those who are born again will go to Heaven when they die. Only those who’s sins are forgiven will get to go to Heaven. The Bible is also very clear that the only payment that is acceptable to God is that blood of his son Jesus-Christ. Your good works are not good enough. Your righteousness is as filthy rags according to the scriptures. The good news is that God loves you so much that He wrapped His love in flesh and blood and paid a price that you could not pay. In Christ there is forgiveness of sin, a home in Heaven, and communion with the Father. My prayer for you is that you see your need for a savior and turn to Him. Through prayer ask forgiveness of your sin and receive Him as your Lord.Before You Go Please Watch this Brief Video Your Personal Invitation to be Saved and go to Heaven when

    Don’t Miss: What Does The Bible Say About Mental Abuse

    Why Is Reading The Bible So Important

    As a Christian I believe its crucial to be constantly in Gods word. Here is why its so important:

    • Reading the Bible helps us to know God: The Bible tells us about God, gives us insight into Gods character and answers our questions about who he is, and how he has saved us from sin.
    • The Bible helps us to know Gods will for our lives: The message of eternal salvation is vital to the scriptures, but the Bible also reveals a lot more about how God would have us live. We see recorded examples of Biblical figures and how they lived, and we see what pleases God and what doesnt.
    • Reading Gods word helps us to see the big picture that God has planned for us: Knowing the scriptures and making them the final authority in your life can help you to live the good life that God has planned for you, and to guard against attacks that the evil one has coming your way.

    All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work 2 Timothy 3:1617

    Ordering A Bible In Conjunction With A Bible Study

  • 1Fill out the bible study request form. To complete this form, you will need some information about yourself.XResearch source You will need both background information and contact information . Dont forget to include the best time for the Jehovahs Witnesses to contact you. Click the Please Contact Me button when youre finished filling out the requisite info.
  • The form is available at .
  • 2Speak to a Jehovahs Witness to plan and organize your study session. You can choose when, where, and how often you attend the Bible study. For instance, if you have a few specific questions, you could choose to study the Bible with a member of the Jehovahs Witnesses for just one hour, one time. You could choose to converse with your Bible study mentor over the phone or online, as well as in person.XResearch source Think about your needs and interests in order to choose the best time for the Bible study, and let them know what youre interested in reading.
  • You are not obligated to become a Jehovah Witness if you opt to engage in a free Bible study.
  • 3Read and research the material before the Bible study. When youve pre-read the passages you will be discussing during the Bible study, youll get more out of the experience. Attend the Bible study with specific questions in mind so that your Bible study is fruitful and engaging for you and your mentor.XResearch source
  • If you enjoyed the session, dont be afraid to request another.
  • Recommended Reading: What The Bible Says About Unforgiveness

    Obtaining A Bible Online

  • 1Visit the Jehovahs Witnesses Bible web page. At the web page, choose from over 120 languages to find the Bible thats easiest for you to read. In addition to downloading the Bibles used by Jehovahs Witnesses, you can also read them all online. Additionally, more well-known versions of the Bible — the American Standard, King James, and Living English versions — are all available for reading online.XResearch source
  • The URL for the page is
  • 2Choose the format you want. The free Bible is available in both audio and textual formats. Audio formats can be downloaded as either MP3 or ACC files. Text Bibles can be downloaded as either EPUB, MOBI, or PDF files.XResearch source If you have an e-book reader, you can use any of the formats, but if you plan on reading your Bible on your computer, it probably most convenient to stick with the PDF format.
  • The audio versions are similar. Either can be downloaded onto MP3 players or phones. ACC files, however, generally have better sound quality.
  • Only the 1984 edition is available in its entirety as an audio download. Only select books of the 2013 edition are available for audio download.
  • 3 Scroll over the page icon below the Bible version of your choice if you want a text version, and scroll over the headphones icon if you want an audio Bible. Next, click the format you want. If youre downloading the audio version, youll have to select the specific books you want to download.
  • Places You Can Get A Free Bible

    The Bible gives hope, changes lives, and encourages people each and every day. The Word of God is living and active and still applies to us today.

    But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under Gods curse! Galatians 1:8 NIV

    No other books are needed to support the truth in the Bible. If anyone tries to supplement the Bible with another book or resource, refer back to the verse above.

    If you want a Bible, you can get a copy for free! Here are 10 places that you can find a free Bible.

    Read Also: What Does The Bible Say About Protecting Yourself

    Family Broadcasting Corporations Spread The Word Program

    This program has distributed more than 1 million Bibles across countries like Iran, Egypt, Colombia, Austria, Pakistan, and Malaysia since its launch in 2000.

    Currently, it doesnt send Bibles to people who live in the United States. But it stills sends them to other countries. So if you live outside of the United States, you can request your free Bible.

    What Is The Best Bible For Beginners

    Most people are familiar with the King James Version of the Bible, which also is the first authorized English translation of the bible.

    However, I wouldnt recommend it for beginners.

    When choosing a bible you should consider these two things:

    • Readability & Understanding

    Which Version of the Bible Should You Choose?

    There are roughly 450 English translations of the bible.

    The most popular translations are:

    • King James Version

    Why Are There So Many Bible Translations and Which One is Best?

    The Bible was originally written in Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek .

    Since the original Bible was written in several languages, it had to be translated into English. The English bible versions that we read are all translations from these original texts.

    However, there are several ways that bibles can be translated.

    The most accurate way is a word-for-word translation .

    The King James Bible and the English Standard Version are examples of formal equivalence. While these versions are accurate, they are harder to read and understand.

    Then you have retelling or paraphrasing the scripture which attempts to paraphrase the original text in a way that is easier for modern readers to read and understand.

    The New Internation Readers Version and the Good News Translation are examples of dynamic equivalence.

    There is a happy medium between the two called functional equivalencethat balances word for word and paraphrasing. The New International Version and the Christian Standard Bible are translated this way.

    Also Check: What Does The Bible Say About Mental Abuse

    Spread The Word Campaign Free Bibles For Those Overseas

    LeSEAs Spread the Word program will provide a free Bible for people who are overseas. The program launched in 2000, and since then over 700,000 Bibles have been distributed.

    If you are a new believer in a place like Egypt, Colombia, Iraq, Solomon Islands, Malaysia, Zambia, Togo, Austria, Pakistan and Iran, theyll do their best to ship a free Bible to you!

    Bible App By Olive Tree

    How to Buy a Bible

    Bible App by Olive Tree is an app from HarperCollins Christian Publishing. With it, you can read the Bible for free. It includes a few different versions of the Bible, such as the NIV Bible and the ESV Bible.

    Bibles are available in lots of languages like Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, French and more. There are also translations available for an in-app purchase.

    With the app, you can access the Bible in 1,300 languages. The best part is that there are audio and video Bibles available too! Its a popular app with more than 150,000 reviews on the Google Play Store.

    Also Check: What Does Bible Say About Cremation Vs Burial

    A Christian Church Near You

    Probably one of the first places you can go to find a Bible is your local church. Most churches will have Bibles available that you can take with you, either a smaller pocket version, or a larger study type Bible.

    To find a church near you , check out a church directory like this one. When you attend, ask if they have a Bible you can take with you.

    Have You Responded To The Gospel

    Are You 100% Sure???

    The most important decision a person can make is where they will spend eternity. Will you go to Heaven and spend eternity with God? OR will you go to Hell and spend eternity separated from God? When you ask the average person that question they will usually say Heaven. You ask them why they believe that and you will get many answers? I am good person, or I go to Church, or I give to charity, or I have been baptised, or many others. If you ask God who will go to Heaven He tells us through His Word that only those who are born again will go to Heaven when they die. Only those who’s sins are forgiven will get to go to Heaven. The Bible is also very clear that the only payment that is acceptable to God is that blood of his son Jesus-Christ. Your good works are not good enough. Your righteousness is as filthy rags according to the scriptures. The good news is that God loves you so much that He wrapped His love in flesh and blood and paid a price that you could not pay. In Christ there is forgiveness of sin, a home in Heaven, and communion with the Father. My prayer for you is that you see your need for a savior and turn to Him. Through prayer ask forgiveness of your sin and receive Him as your Lord.

    Your Personal Invitation to be Saved and go to Heaven when your life on earth is over!!!

    God loves You!!

    Romans 5:8, But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    Your Sin has Separated You from God!!

    Don’t Miss: What Does The Bible Say About Feeling Lonely


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